Upcoming Workshops, Events, & Meetings

This calendar of events includes ASCH-sponsored and COMPONENT-sponsored activities. Where appropriate, ASCH-sponsored programs offer ASCH CE/CME. Where indicated COMPONENT sponsored programs have been approved for ASCH CE.

ASCH Advanced Workshop: Hypnosis and Zen-Buddhism for Pain and Suffering

Hypnosis and Zen-Buddhism for Pain and Suffering  April 3, 2025-April 6, 2025 Register Here This four-day workshop will focus on the use of hypnosis, meditation and motivational interview to treat acute pain and manage chronic suffering. The workshop will train participants in an eight-module psychotherapy approach for managing chronic pain and illness that is described […]

ASCH Webinar: Anxiety: A Window of Opportunity for Change

Wednesday, April 23, 2025 at 8:00 PM-9:30 PM ET *Click Here To Register* This two-hour program provides health practitioners with a conceptual framework and practical tools to ‎help clients experience anxiety from a perspective of hopefulness and strength rather than fear and ‎avoidance. The presentation includes scientific information about anxiety and fear states and practical […]