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Hypnotic Analgesia: Clinical Implication of Recent Research Findings Mark P. Jensen, PhD
Guidelines for Electronic Recordings of Hypnosis


→ Guidelines for Electronic Recordings of Hypnosis for Public Consumption
→ Guidelines for Electronic Recordings of Hypnosis for One’s Own Clients and Patients

1) Rationale. These guidelines were created to benefit ASCH/SCEH members and the consumer when members create and market recordings of hypnosis for sale to the general public.  Such recordings may be in any form, including (but not limited to) CDs, DVDs, website presentations (including members’ own websites, websites such as YouTube, or any such vehicles).   These guidelines do not establish rules for practice but are offered to members as means of promoting sound recommendations for consumers while reducing liability exposure of members and of the societies.

2) Target Audience. The recordings contemplated by these guidelines are intended for consumers’ own use in learning/applying self-hypnosis.

3) Optional Compliance. If you are not claiming ASCH/SCEH affiliation in the marketing, distribution, or sale of your recording, you are not required to follow these Guidelines. ASCH/SCEH cannot be held responsible for such unauthorized use.  You proceed at your own risk and such unauthorized users indemnify and hold harmless both ASCH and SCEH for any untoward consequences, known and unknown, foreseeable and non-foreseeable.

4) Mandatory Compliance. Those claiming ASCH/SCEH membership, however, are urged to utilize all of the guidelines but are required to specifically utilize Guidelines II and III, in an appropriate form, as a printed handout, on the label, or on the video screen at the outset of the presentation.