Upcoming Workshops, Events, & Meetings

This calendar of events includes ASCH-sponsored and COMPONENT-sponsored activities. Where appropriate, ASCH-sponsored programs offer ASCH CE/CME. Where indicated COMPONENT sponsored programs have been approved for ASCH CE.

Foundations of Clinical Hypnosis


Most therapists have heard of hypnosis, but too few know about its transformational potential for therapists and empowering their clients. The science has evolved dramatically in recent years, securing clinical […]

Clinical Hypnosis Training L II – Skills and Application

Hilton Arlington 950 N Stafford St., Arlington, VA, United States

Organization: International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (ISSTD) Website: https://www.isst-d.org/training-and-conferences/upcoming-conferences/ Event Title: Clinical Hypnosis Training L II - Skills and Application Dates: 10/25/2024-10/27/2024 Location: Hilton Arlington, Arlington, Virginia CE: 20 Contact: Reinhild Draeger-Muenke, dr.reinhild.muenke@gmail.com Abstract: This training is designed to enhance your knowledge and skills in clinical hypnosis. Prior clinical hypnosis training is required such as an approved ASCH Level […]

Hypnotic Language: Lessons Learned from Dr. Kay Thompson (Medical Hypnosis Consultants, PLLC)

Organization: Medical Hypnosis Consultants, PLLC Website: MedicalHypnosisConsultants.org Event Title: Hypnotic Language: Lessons Learned from Dr. Kay Thompson Dates: 10/29/2024 Location: Virtual CE: 5.0 Contact: Holly Forester-Miller, Hollyforestermiller@gmail.com Abstract: This hands-on workshop is designed to help practitioners enhance their therapeutic communication and better understand the impact of language on healing. Dr. Forester-Miller will share much of what she learned from […]

Utilizing Hypnosis in the Treatment of Narcissistic Wounds in Psychotherapy: A Relational Approach (Eric Spiegel, Ph.D.)

Website: https://www.ericspiegelphd.com/training/ Event Title: Utilizing Hypnosis in the Treatment of Narcissistic Wounds in Psychotherapy: A Relational Approach Dates: 11/1/24, 10:00 AM-2:00 PM EDT Location: Virtual CE: 4.0 Contact: Eric Spiegel, Ph.D. <espiegelphd@gmail.com> Abstract: The dimension of narcissism influences a wide-range of character presentations and treatment issues occurring in psychotherapy in our modern age. Although clinical and public attention […]

Hypnosis in the Treatment of Complex Trauma and Dissociation (New England Society of Clinical Hypnosis)

Organization: New England Society of Clinical Hypnosis Website: www.nesch.org Event Title: Hypnosis in the Treatment of Complex Trauma and Dissociation Dates: November 3, 2024 Location: Virtual CE: 3.0 Contact: neschMSC@gmail.com Abstract: Treatment of clients with a complex trauma history and/or with dissociative parts presents unique clinical challenges in every phase of trauma treatment. How do we navigate questions of […]

Webinar: GI Topics and Hypnosis

Online Virtual Webinar

Webinar: GI Topics and Hypnosis A Webinar with Dr. Rebecca Cherry, MD November 6, 2024 1.50 CE Registration is Closed   ASCH Member $45 Non-Member $65 Resident/Intern/Fellow $45 Graduate Student $15

ASCH Advanced Level Workshop: Integrating Clinical Hypnosis and EMDR


  Quick Links: | Details & Fees | Eligibility | Credits Registration for this event is closed   WORKSHOP SCHEDULE (Advanced Level) Saturday, November 9th, 2024 8:00 AM MT/9:00 am CT/10 am ET -- 4:00 PM MT/ 5:00 PM CT/ 6:00 PM ET Program Notes:  Participants are expected to attend all days. Detailed workshop schedules, faculty and other materials will be […]

“Ancestral and Past Life Trauma” – An Extended Application of LeCron and Cheek’s “Past Experience” Common Cause: Past Life Therapy, Trauma, and the Spiritual/Transpersonal (The Florida Society of Clinical Hypnosis)

Organization: The Florida Society of Clinical Hypnosis (FSCH) Website: https://www.fsch.org/workshops/intermediate-workshop Event Title: "Ancestral and Past Life Trauma" - An Extended Application of LeCron and Cheek's "Past Experience" Common Cause: Past Life Therapy, Trauma, and the Spiritual/Transpersonal Dates: 11/09/2024 - 11/10/2024 Location: Virtual CE: 12.0 Contact: Marie Wilson, mariefsch@aol.com Abstract: This didactic, experiential workshop will address the successful utilization […]

Hypnosis and Zen Buddhism in the Treatment of Pain and Suffering (Greater Philadelphia Society of Clinical Hypnosis)

Organization: Greater Philadelphia Society of Clinical Hypnosis Website: https://gpsch.org/event/hypnosis-zen-buddism-in-the-treatment-webinar/ Event Title: Hypnosis and Zen Buddhism in the Treatment of Pain and Suffering Dates: November 10, 2024 Location: Virtual CE: 3.0 Contact: Marcy Nadel, marcy1116@aol.com Abstract: This webinar will use didactics demonstrations to explain how psychotherapy informed by hypnosis and mindfulness can be used to treat chronic pain. The first […]

Hypnosis and ADHD for Adolescents and Adults

The CFCH-AS is happy to host a special workshop on treating Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) with Maureen Turner from 15-16 Nov 2024. The ADHD workshop is intended for those […]