About the ASCH Advisor

The ASCH Advisor is published quarterly to ASCH members.

ASCH members are invited to submit news, reviews, letters to the editor and other material for inclusion in the quarterly ASCH Advisor. Submissions will be edited for clarity, consistency, and to conform with ASCH’s editorial style guidelines. Please include photos and images as appropriate.

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February 27, 2025

The ASCH 2025 Annual Scientific Meetings and Workshops is only weeks away. The theme of this year’s virtual event is the Art and Science of Clinical Hypnosis in Health Care. 

This robust program features plenary sessions, concurrent sessions, and a pre-conference program as well.  Topics of focus include, but are not limited to: 

  • Dental, Medical, and Nursing Applications 
  • Integration of Hypnosis with Other Modalities 
  • Metaphysical & Spirituality 
  • Pain Management 
  • Palliative Care 
  • Trauma 
  • Veteran-Related Care 
  • Pediatrics 
Why Attend?
  • Explore Diverse Topics 
    From pain management and trauma care to veteran support and integrative hypnosis, choose from specialized sessions that align with your clinical focus. 
  • Enjoy Flexible, Virtual Access 
    Join live or catch up at your convenience with full post-conference access! Over 88% of past attendees valued access to session recordings. 
  • Expand Your Network 
    Connect with like-minded professionals through live Q&As, discussion forums, and virtual networking lounges designed to foster collaboration and learning. 
  • Earn Educational Credits 
    Stay ahead with CE credits while deepening your expertise. Earn up to 50.5 CE credits while attending engaging, evidence-based hypnosis sessions. The number of credits you can earn depends on which package you register for, and which sessions you attend.

The ASMW kicks off Friday, March 14, at 11 a.m. ET with our Opening Plenary Session: “I Know I Should…But I Don’t Feel Like It”: Countering Client Inertia with Clinical Hypnosis, presented by Michael D. Yapko, PhD. 

Dr. Yapko is a clinical psychologist recognized worldwide for his transformative work in applying clinical hypnosis to psychotherapy, particularly for treating depression. With over 30 years of experience and groundbreaking contributions, Dr. Yapko has shared his expertise in more than 30 countries across six continents.  In this plenary address, Dr. Yapko will dive into the challenges of client passivity and inertia in therapy. He will discuss: 

  • Why clients sometimes struggle to act, even when they want to change. 
  • The use of hypnosis to foster agency and encourage action. 
  • Practical strategies, including addressing rumination, global thinking, and seeding homework assignments. 

On Saturday, March 15, at 11 ET, our second Plenary Session, Lessons from 25 Years of Conversations with the Subconscious, will be presented by Ran D. Anbar, MD, FAAP. Dr. Anbar is the President and Founder of Center Point Medicine, with practices in La Jolla, California, and Syracuse, New York. He is board-certified in pediatric pulmonology and general pediatrics and specializes in offering hypnosis and counseling services. 

In this inspiring and insightful plenary session, Dr. Anbar will share his experiences of accessing the subconscious to enhance therapy, including how it can facilitate spiritual understanding. The session will include demonstrations of subconscious conversations through video and audio segments, along with a summary of existential thoughts gathered from the subconscious of 20 individuals ranging in age from 9 to 64. 

And on Sunday, March 16, at 4:15 PM ET, we will present our Closing Plenary session, Capturing the Future to Enhance Treatment Outcomes, by Moshe Torem, MD, ABPN. Dr. Torem is a senior psychiatrist and psychotherapist with specialized training in Psychosomatic Medicine. He is a distinguished Life Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association and a Life Fellow and former President of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis (ASCH). Currently, Dr. Torem serves as a Professor of Psychiatry at Northeast Ohio Medical University (NEOMED) and is the former Chair of Psychiatry at both NEOMED and Akron General Medical Center. 

In this thought-provoking plenary session, Dr. Torem will demonstrate how a future-focused orientation through hypnotically mediated age progression can significantly transform behavior, alleviate symptoms, and enhance healing outcomes. 

Don’t Miss These Sessions!

On Friday, March 14, Christian Skoorsmith, MA, PsyD(c), will present The Neurobiology of Trauma and Recovery in Hypnotic Ego State Therapy, at 3:45 p.m.  Recent advances in technology offer a synaptic view of trauma and recovery that informs therapeutic practice by offering guidelines for what constitutes “trauma” and what trauma is not. This grounding in neurobiology points to a trajectory that is powerfully mediated by/in/through techniques of abreactive age regression in ego state therapy. Far from “ventilation,” we now recognize the centrality of emotion in learning and reconsolidation when appropriately utilized. Keeping the underlying neurobiology in mind can guide and guardrail age regression to be ethical, effective, and efficient.

And on Sunday, March 16, Dr. Skoorsmith and John Hall, PhD, ABPP, will present Queer Casebook: Issues of Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation in Clinical Hypnosis, at 11:00 a.m. Based on the presenters’ clinical experience, this training will introduce frequently encountered themes, issues, and vocabulary. In addition, they will offer suggestions of ways to use existing hypnotic techniques to help this population reach their highest potential. The workshop will include didactic and experiential components to increase personal awareness and professional skill.

Pre-Conference Highlights
Eric Spiegel, Ph.D. – Utilizing Hypnosis in the Treatment of Narcissistic Wounds in Psychotherapy: A Relational Approach
Thursday, March 13, 2025 | 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
  • spiegelLicensed psychologist and expert in attachment-focused hypnosis.
  • Past-President of ASCH and co-author of Attachment in Group Psychotherapy.
  • This session will dive into using hypnosis within a relationally attuned therapeutic framework to address narcissistic wounds rooted in attachment failures. A mix of didactic and experiential training will enhance your skills.
  • More information about Dr. Eric Spiegel is available on his website.
  • Earn up to 2 CE credits.
John Franklin, M.D. – Palliative Care and Palliative Hypnosis: Special Focus on Treating ALS Symptoms
Thursday, March 13, 2025 | 12:00 PM – 3:15 PM
  • Board-certified physician in Palliative Medicine with expertise in clinical hypnosis.
  • Published groundbreaking research on using hypnosis to treat ALS symptoms.
  • Explore the fundamentals of palliative care and its distinction from hospice care. Learn how to use hypnosis to alleviate symptoms in ALS patients, with interactive breakout sessions and real-world applications.
  • Earn up to 3 CE credits.
Michael D. Yapko, Ph.D. – The Discriminating Therapist: Using Hypnosis to Enhance Decision Making
yapkoThursday, March 13, 2025 | 3:30 PM – 6:30 PM
  • Renowned clinical psychologist specializing in outcome-focused hypnosis.
  • Author of Trancework and 16 other books, translated into 10 languages.
  • Learn how to guide clients in making better decisions using hypnosis by focusing on perceptual refinement and cognitive psychology principles. Examples from real client cases will be explored.
  • Learn more about Dr. Yapko’s work.
  • Earn up to 3 CE credits.