Upcoming Workshops, Events, & Meetings

This calendar of events includes ASCH-sponsored and COMPONENT-sponsored activities. Where appropriate, ASCH-sponsored programs offer ASCH CE/CME. Where indicated COMPONENT sponsored programs have been approved for ASCH CE.

100-Hour Clinical Hypnosis and Strategic Psychotherapy Training


The 100-hour online training program is divided into five phases, each progressively building in intensity and complexity as we go along. Michael’s teaching is highly structured and organized. The course is entirely virtual (online) and takes place over time to allow the natural process of learning to occur with experiential learning in-between phases. There is no substitute […]

Foundations of Clinical Hypnosis


Most therapists have heard of hypnosis, but too few know about its transformational potential for therapists and empowering their clients. The science has evolved dramatically in recent years, securing clinical […]

Level 1 Hypnosis

Virtual and In-Person Hybrid for Practitioners in Texas

Organization: CTSCH Website: www.jungwellnessinstitute.com Event Title: Level 1 Hypnosis Dates: 04/13/2023, 04/14/2023, 04/15/2023, 04/20/2023, 04/21/2023, 04/22/2023 Location: Virtual and In-Person Hybrid for Practitioners in Texas CE: 22 Contact: Anita Jung, anitajung.therapy@pm.me Abstract: This Level 1 Workshop is the first part of a series of workshops in the certification program for clinical hypnosis approved by the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis. […]

Level 2 Clinical Hypnosis Course


Organization: Oregon Society (OSCH) and Alberta Society (ACHS) Website: https://www.oregonhypnosis.org/event-5587817 Website: https://www.clinicalhypnosis.ca/event-5588490 Event Title: Level 2 Clinical Hypnosis Course Dates: April 19-21, 2024 Location: Virtual workshop CE: 21 Contact: Debbie Bensching, info@oregonhypnosis.org (Oregon) or Ryan McDonald (Alberta) ryansmcdonald@protonmail.com