Upcoming Workshops, Events, & Meetings

This calendar of events includes ASCH-sponsored and COMPONENT-sponsored activities. Where appropriate, ASCH-sponsored programs offer ASCH CE/CME. Where indicated COMPONENT sponsored programs have been approved for ASCH CE.

Fundamentals of Clinical Hypnosis (Bloom Therapy)

Bloom Therapy 1206 W. 43rd St, Austin, TX, United States

Organization: Bloom Therapy Website: https://bloomtherapytx.com/service/fundamentals-of-clinical-hypnosis/ Event Title: Fundamentals of Clinical Hypnosis Dates: 10/18/24-10/20/24 Location: Bloom Therapy, 1206 W. 43rd St, Austin, TX CE: 21.50 Contact: Katy David, katy@bloomtherapytx.com Abstract: The purpose of this workshop is to provide licensed mental health clinicians the foundational information and experiential practice necessary to begin integrating clinical hypnosis into their established skillset and clinical […]

Level 1 Clinical Hypnosis (Canadian Federation of Clinical Hypnosis)

Organization: Canadian Federation of Clinical Hypnosis, Alberta Society Website: https://albertaclinicalhypnosissociety.wildapricot.org/event-5822338 Event Title: Level 1 Clinical Hypnosis Dates: 10/18/24-10/20/24 Location: Virtual CE: 21.50 Contact: info@clinicalhypnosis.ca, 1 (825) 558 0899 Abstract: The American Society of Clinical Hypnosis (ASCH) – Approved Level 1 (Basic) Training In Clinical Hypnosis is the first of a series of training workshops that are a large part […]

Clinical Hypnosis Training L II – Skills and Application

Hilton Arlington 950 N Stafford St., Arlington, VA, United States

Organization: International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (ISSTD) Website: https://www.isst-d.org/training-and-conferences/upcoming-conferences/ Event Title: Clinical Hypnosis Training L II - Skills and Application Dates: 10/25/2024-10/27/2024 Location: Hilton Arlington, Arlington, Virginia CE: 20 Contact: Reinhild Draeger-Muenke, dr.reinhild.muenke@gmail.com Abstract: This training is designed to enhance your knowledge and skills in clinical hypnosis. Prior clinical hypnosis training is required such as an approved ASCH Level […]

MSCH Advanced Course: Mind-Body Approaches to Hypnosis for Addressing Digestive Issues, Autoimmune Disorders and other Psychophysiological Problems

Organization: Minnesota Society of Clinical Hypnosis (MSCH) Website: https://www.msch.us/education/2024-rosenthal-w-mark-weisberg-phd-abpp/ Event Title: Mind-Body Approaches to Hypnosis for Addressing Digestive Issues, Autoimmune Disorders and other Psychophysiological Problems Date: October 26, 2024 Location: Virtual CE: 6.0 Contact: deb@msch.us Abstract: In this 6-hour workshop, participants will get practical, hands-on training on how to apply hypnosis effectively with a range of digestive disorders […]

Hypnotic Language: Lessons Learned from Dr. Kay Thompson (Medical Hypnosis Consultants, PLLC)

Organization: Medical Hypnosis Consultants, PLLC Website: MedicalHypnosisConsultants.org Event Title: Hypnotic Language: Lessons Learned from Dr. Kay Thompson Dates: 10/29/2024 Location: Virtual CE: 5.0 Contact: Holly Forester-Miller, Hollyforestermiller@gmail.com Abstract: This hands-on workshop is designed to help practitioners enhance their therapeutic communication and better understand the impact of language on healing. Dr. Forester-Miller will share much of what she learned from […]

Utilizing Hypnosis in the Treatment of Narcissistic Wounds in Psychotherapy: A Relational Approach (Eric Spiegel, Ph.D.)

Website: https://www.ericspiegelphd.com/training/ Event Title: Utilizing Hypnosis in the Treatment of Narcissistic Wounds in Psychotherapy: A Relational Approach Dates: 11/1/24, 10:00 AM-2:00 PM EDT Location: Virtual CE: 4.0 Contact: Eric Spiegel, Ph.D. <espiegelphd@gmail.com> Abstract: The dimension of narcissism influences a wide-range of character presentations and treatment issues occurring in psychotherapy in our modern age. Although clinical and public attention […]

Hypnosis in the Treatment of Complex Trauma and Dissociation (New England Society of Clinical Hypnosis)

Organization: New England Society of Clinical Hypnosis Website: www.nesch.org Event Title: Hypnosis in the Treatment of Complex Trauma and Dissociation Dates: November 3, 2024 Location: Virtual CE: 3.0 Contact: neschMSC@gmail.com Abstract: Treatment of clients with a complex trauma history and/or with dissociative parts presents unique clinical challenges in every phase of trauma treatment. How do we navigate questions of […]

Webinar: GI Topics and Hypnosis

Online Virtual Webinar

Webinar: GI Topics and Hypnosis A Webinar with Dr. Rebecca Cherry, MD November 6, 2024 1.50 CE Registration is Closed   ASCH Member $45 Non-Member $65 Resident/Intern/Fellow $45 Graduate Student $15

ASCH Advanced Level Workshop: Integrating Clinical Hypnosis and EMDR


  Quick Links: | Details & Fees | Eligibility | Credits Registration for this event is closed   WORKSHOP SCHEDULE (Advanced Level) Saturday, November 9th, 2024 8:00 AM MT/9:00 am CT/10 am ET -- 4:00 PM MT/ 5:00 PM CT/ 6:00 PM ET Program Notes:  Participants are expected to attend all days. Detailed workshop schedules, faculty and other materials will be […]

“Ancestral and Past Life Trauma” – An Extended Application of LeCron and Cheek’s “Past Experience” Common Cause: Past Life Therapy, Trauma, and the Spiritual/Transpersonal (The Florida Society of Clinical Hypnosis)

Organization: The Florida Society of Clinical Hypnosis (FSCH) Website: https://www.fsch.org/workshops/intermediate-workshop Event Title: "Ancestral and Past Life Trauma" - An Extended Application of LeCron and Cheek's "Past Experience" Common Cause: Past Life Therapy, Trauma, and the Spiritual/Transpersonal Dates: 11/09/2024 - 11/10/2024 Location: Virtual CE: 12.0 Contact: Marie Wilson, mariefsch@aol.com Abstract: This didactic, experiential workshop will address the successful utilization […]