Upcoming Workshops, Events, & Meetings

This calendar of events includes ASCH-sponsored and COMPONENT-sponsored activities. Where appropriate, ASCH-sponsored programs offer ASCH CE/CME. Where indicated COMPONENT sponsored programs have been approved for ASCH CE.

Medical Hypnosis Consultants Advanced Workshop: The How-Tos of Medical Hypnosis

Organization: Medical Hypnosis Consultants, PLLC Website: medicalhypnosisconsultants.org Event Title: The How-Tos of Medical Hypnosis Dates: 09/27/2024 - 09/29/2024 Location: Virtual CE: 15 Contact: Holly Forester-Miller, hfm@wciconsultants.org Abstract: This workshop is designed to be a practical guide for how to use clinical hypnosis to help clients/patients with medical issues. It is designed for mental health and medical professionals who have […]

Suggestive Therapeutics and Unconscious Intelligence

Virtual and In-Person

Organization: Oregon Society of Clinical Hypnosis (OSCH) Website: https://oregonhypnosis.org/event-5725436 Event Title: Suggestive Therapeutics and Unconscious Intelligence Dates: 09/28/24-09/29/24 Location: In Person and Virtual CE: 12 Contact: Cynthia Levesque, Vicepresident@oregonhypnosis.org Abstract: Practicing as an Ericksonian therapist for over thirty years, Dr. Short has a great deal of experience working with the client's unconscious resources as well as conscious resources. […]

ASCH Teaching & Consultation Workshop (TCW)


ASCH educational and training programming includes a wide variety of offerings for health care professionals interested in becoming familiar and proficient with the range of clinical hypnosis knowledge and skills. ASCH educational and training offerings range from Level 1 Workshops for those health care professionals wishing to become familiar, comfortable, and competent with a foundational […]

Fundamentals of Clinical Hypnosis (Bloom Therapy)

Bloom Therapy 1206 W. 43rd St, Austin, TX, United States

Organization: Bloom Therapy Website: https://bloomtherapytx.com/service/fundamentals-of-clinical-hypnosis/ Event Title: Fundamentals of Clinical Hypnosis Dates: 10/18/24-10/20/24 Location: Bloom Therapy, 1206 W. 43rd St, Austin, TX CE: 21.50 Contact: Katy David, katy@bloomtherapytx.com Abstract: The purpose of this workshop is to provide licensed mental health clinicians the foundational information and experiential practice necessary to begin integrating clinical hypnosis into their established skillset and clinical […]

Level 1 Clinical Hypnosis (Canadian Federation of Clinical Hypnosis)

Organization: Canadian Federation of Clinical Hypnosis, Alberta Society Website: https://albertaclinicalhypnosissociety.wildapricot.org/event-5822338 Event Title: Level 1 Clinical Hypnosis Dates: 10/18/24-10/20/24 Location: Virtual CE: 21.50 Contact: info@clinicalhypnosis.ca, 1 (825) 558 0899 Abstract: The American Society of Clinical Hypnosis (ASCH) – Approved Level 1 (Basic) Training In Clinical Hypnosis is the first of a series of training workshops that are a large part […]

Clinical Hypnosis Training L II – Skills and Application

Hilton Arlington 950 N Stafford St., Arlington, VA, United States

Organization: International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (ISSTD) Website: https://www.isst-d.org/training-and-conferences/upcoming-conferences/ Event Title: Clinical Hypnosis Training L II - Skills and Application Dates: 10/25/2024-10/27/2024 Location: Hilton Arlington, Arlington, Virginia CE: 20 Contact: Reinhild Draeger-Muenke, dr.reinhild.muenke@gmail.com Abstract: This training is designed to enhance your knowledge and skills in clinical hypnosis. Prior clinical hypnosis training is required such as an approved ASCH Level […]

MSCH Advanced Course: Mind-Body Approaches to Hypnosis for Addressing Digestive Issues, Autoimmune Disorders and other Psychophysiological Problems

Organization: Minnesota Society of Clinical Hypnosis (MSCH) Website: https://www.msch.us/education/2024-rosenthal-w-mark-weisberg-phd-abpp/ Event Title: Mind-Body Approaches to Hypnosis for Addressing Digestive Issues, Autoimmune Disorders and other Psychophysiological Problems Date: October 26, 2024 Location: Virtual CE: 6.0 Contact: deb@msch.us Abstract: In this 6-hour workshop, participants will get practical, hands-on training on how to apply hypnosis effectively with a range of digestive disorders […]

Hypnotic Language: Lessons Learned from Dr. Kay Thompson (Medical Hypnosis Consultants, PLLC)

Organization: Medical Hypnosis Consultants, PLLC Website: MedicalHypnosisConsultants.org Event Title: Hypnotic Language: Lessons Learned from Dr. Kay Thompson Dates: 10/29/2024 Location: Virtual CE: 5.0 Contact: Holly Forester-Miller, Hollyforestermiller@gmail.com Abstract: This hands-on workshop is designed to help practitioners enhance their therapeutic communication and better understand the impact of language on healing. Dr. Forester-Miller will share much of what she learned from […]