Upcoming Workshops, Events, & Meetings

This calendar of events includes ASCH-sponsored and COMPONENT-sponsored activities. Where appropriate, ASCH-sponsored programs offer ASCH CE/CME. Where indicated COMPONENT sponsored programs have been approved for ASCH CE.
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Hypnosis and ADHD for Adolescents and Adults

The CFCH-AS is happy to host a special workshop on treating Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) with Maureen Turner from 15-16 Nov 2024. The ADHD workshop is intended for those with a working knowledge of clinical hypnosis such as ASCH Level 1. There will be Case Studies, Videos, Demos, and Handouts including Assessment Tools provided […]


Foundations of Clinical Hypnosis


Most therapists have heard of hypnosis, but too few know about its transformational potential for therapists and empowering their clients. The science has evolved dramatically in recent years, securing clinical […]

Attachment-Focused Hypnosis in Psychotherapy: Relational Strategies for the Developmental Repair of Trauma and Chronic Pain (Eric Spiegel, Ph.D)

Website: https://eric-spiegel-phd.ce-go.com/relational-hypnosis-for-chronic-pain-and-functional-disorders Event Title: Attachment-Focused Hypnosis in Psychotherapy: Relational Strategies for the Developmental Repair of Trauma and Chronic Pain Dates: Friday, November 15-Sunday, November 17 Location: Virtual CE: 20.0 Contact: Eric Spiegel, Ph.D., espiegelphd@gmail.com Abstract: This workshop presents two complementary relational hypnotherapeutic approaches that can be incorporated into existing psychotherapy for patients with a range […]