Upcoming Workshops, Events, & Meetings

This calendar of events includes ASCH-sponsored and COMPONENT-sponsored activities. Where appropriate, ASCH-sponsored programs offer ASCH CE/CME. Where indicated COMPONENT sponsored programs have been approved for ASCH CE.
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Clinical Hypnosis Training L II – Skills and Application

Hilton Arlington 950 N Stafford St., Arlington

Organization: International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (ISSTD) Website: https://www.isst-d.org/training-and-conferences/upcoming-conferences/ Event Title: Clinical Hypnosis Training L II - Skills and Application Dates: 10/25/2024-10/27/2024 Location: Hilton Arlington, Arlington, Virginia CE: 20 Contact: Reinhild Draeger-Muenke, dr.reinhild.muenke@gmail.com Abstract: This training is designed to enhance your knowledge and skills in clinical hypnosis. Prior clinical hypnosis training is required such as an approved ASCH Level […]

MSCH Advanced Course: Mind-Body Approaches to Hypnosis for Addressing Digestive Issues, Autoimmune Disorders and other Psychophysiological Problems

Organization: Minnesota Society of Clinical Hypnosis (MSCH) Website: https://www.msch.us/education/2024-rosenthal-w-mark-weisberg-phd-abpp/ Event Title: Mind-Body Approaches to Hypnosis for Addressing Digestive Issues, Autoimmune Disorders and other Psychophysiological Problems Date: October 26, 2024 Location: Virtual CE: 6.0 Contact: deb@msch.us Abstract: In this 6-hour workshop, participants will get practical, hands-on training on how to apply hypnosis effectively with a range of digestive disorders […]


Foundations of Clinical Hypnosis


Most therapists have heard of hypnosis, but too few know about its transformational potential for therapists and empowering their clients. The science has evolved dramatically in recent years, securing clinical […]