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Webinar: Hypnosis and Creative Mind (Central Texas Society of Clinical Hypnosis)

February 21

Organization: Central Texas Society of Clinical Hypnosis (CTSCH)

Website: http://ctsch.com/

Event Title: Hypnosis and Creative Mind

Dates: 02/21/2025

Location: Virtual

CE: 2.0

Contact: CTSCH@CTSCH.com

Over a century of Western models of hypnosis have shared a dual-mind hypothesis of conscious/unconscious minds. Dr. Gilligan will present his generative trance approach, regarding the positive and negative relationships that may obtain between the primary brain/mind experience of nonverbal/nature consciousness, and the secondary brain/mind mapping of the verbal/virtual mind. Creative Mind activates with the harmonious interconnection between the two minds, and problems develop and maintain themselves through a hostile dissociation between these “creative unconscious” and “conscious” minds. We will then see how this guides a psychotherapist in joining, positively valuing, and connecting the two modes to shift clinical problems into human resources. Theoretical models, clinical examples, and a guided process will illustrate the model.

Learning Objectives:

  1. To describe recent neuropsychological findings showing the complementary nature of the two brain/minds of the right and left hemispheres.
  2. To identify how dissociation between these two intelligences is a common underpinning of sustained suffering.
  3. To identify at least three ways generative hypnosis can be used to restore interconnectedness and thereby increase mental health, at both individual and collective levels.


February 21


Central Texas Society of Clinical Hypnosis (CTSCH)