The Integration of Clinical Hypnosis with Patients in Cancer Care (Medical Hypnosis Consultants, PLLC)
April 25 - April 26
Organization: Medical Hypnosis Consultants, PLLC
Website: www.MedicalHypnosisConsultants.org
Agenda: Click here
Event Title: The Integration of Clinical Hypnosis with Patients in Cancer Care
Dates: 04/25/25 – 04/26/25
Location: Virtual
CE: 10.0
Contact: hollyforestermiller@gmail.com
This workshop is designed for advanced practitioners who work with, or wish to start working with, cancer patients. It will be an interactive, hands-on workshop. We will discuss the patients’ needs at different points in the cancer journey and during treatments. Participants will learn how they can assist cancer patients with using hypnosis for managing the issues, symptoms, and challenges they face and how to develop effective hypnotic approaches and suggestions The presenter will also outline the protocol for a 4 week long self-hypnosis class for cancer patients that she has offered for 20 years. And the pilot study research on this class will be presented. The participants will learn 3 self-hypnosis techniques that are taught to the class participants which they can quickly and easily teach to their patients. We will discuss the use of language, especially as it relates to the potential side effects and symptoms of the patient’s chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery treatments. Additional issues that will be addressed include resistance, referrals, informed consent, and reframing. We will discuss the applications of various hypnotic phenomena with cancer patients. Participants will have the opportunity to interact and participate in several experiential exercises dispersed throughout the workshop. The presenter will share from her 35+ years of experience of integrating hypnosis in her work with cancer patients. The emphasis will be on providing specific “how-tos” in formulating techniques for working with cancer patients that participants can use in their practices.