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The ETHICS of Therapy and Coaching (North Texas Society Of Clinical Hypnosis)

August 24, 2024 @ 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Organization: North Texas Society Of Clinical Hypnosis

Website: northtexashypnosis.org

Event Title: The ETHICS of Therapy and Coaching

Dates: August 24, 2024, 1:00 PM-4:00 PM

Location: Virtual

CE: 3.0

Contact: Tracy Watson, tracypaytonwatson@gmail.com

Erickson and Jamas will present 3 hour on-line Zoom meeting offering an update on current perspectives on the interface of licensed therapists and life coaches. Focusing on ethical concerns, discussions will include identification of legal entities involved in regulation, as well as pragmatic elements of serving needs of individual clients. This presentation is designed to provide a timely understanding of the manner in which referrals can be made, and most importantly, protecting rights and needs of both professional providers as well as clients.

Learning Objectives:
1. To identify 3 ways in which coaching and therapists are similar and 3 ways in which they differ.
2. To participate in a group discussion in which mock clients are assessed for benefiting from coaching vs therapeutic care.
3. To enumerate three potential risk concerns for a dual certified therapist/ coach.
4. To identify the legal entities that oversee guidelines for professional standards of care
5. To introduce basic guidelines for tele-therapy and tele-hypnosis.
6. To identify elements of risk reduction for individuals in offering either or both therapy and coaching.


August 24, 2024
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm


North Texas Society of Clinical Hypnosis