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Hypnosis in the Treatment of Complex Trauma and Dissociation (New England Society of Clinical Hypnosis)

November 3, 2024

Organization: New England Society of Clinical Hypnosis

Website: www.nesch.org

Event Title: Hypnosis in the Treatment of Complex Trauma and Dissociation

Dates: November 3, 2024

Location: Virtual

CE: 3.0

Contact: neschMSC@gmail.com

Treatment of clients with a complex trauma history and/or with dissociative parts presents unique clinical challenges in every phase of trauma treatment. How do we navigate questions of treatment planning and where to start? When is a client ready for trauma processing? How do we invite access to traumatic material without triggering a crisis or switching? In this workshop, learn through a combination of didactic content and experiential exercises how teaching clients with cPTSD and/or structural dissociation two key skills early in treatment fosters a sense of inner safety and lays the foundation for healing from past trauma, while hedging against the two most common reasons for treatment failure.

Learning Objectives:

  • List the 5 symptoms of dissociation and 3 disturbances in self-organization in cPTSD
  • Summarize current treatment guidelines for cPTSDSummarize clinical challenges posed by insecure attachment
  • Demonstrate the two critical skills of present orienting and maintaining dual awareness
  • Minimize the risk of re-traumatization during trauma reprocessing


November 3, 2024


New England Society of Clinical Hypnosis