ASCH Call for Board Nominations


ASCH is always looking for our next volunteer leaders – we hope you consider nominating yourself or another ASCH member to help pave the way for new ASCH programs and leadership in the organization. This cycle, we are looking for a President-Elect, Treasurer and two Directors on our Board. Complete our form here: ASCH Board Leadership Interest

The following positions are up for election in September 2024:   

  • President-Elect – Three-year commitment (President Elect, President, Immediate Past President). Nominees must have previously served in a leadership capacity. 
  • Treasurer – Two-year term 
  • Member at Large Director (two seats available) – Two-year term 
    Members at Large are ASCH members in good standing primarily representing the fields of medicine, dentistry and psychology. Many have a doctorate degree in that field, or, with respect to psychology, in a discipline where psychology has been a major study. The term of office for Members at Large begins at the conclusion of the Annual Meeting following their election and terminates at the conclusion of the two-year term after next Annual Meeting.  

 Leadership meets every other month, as well as for special sessions periodically as needed. 

 Thank you for your support and for your willingness to get involved. This call for nominations will remain open until Wednesday, July 31. With questions, contact ASCH Executive Director, JerrieLynn Kind at .